Your multi AI Selves


Utilizing AI to manage, summarize, and filter digital content, our solution dramatically alters user interaction with digital platforms, allowing no opportunity to slip by unnoticed

Lost in your telegram chats ?

Oh my, we were too.

Not Anymore

Get ONLY the information YOU care about

We provide an easy sync/upload tool for every channel like texts, social media apps, videos, music, work tools basically all the data that you produce can be synced and  permanently. 

How many opportunities did you miss ? 


Too lazy to read all the chat content. Not enough time !

I have a life ! 

—> from a true story…. 


What your chatbotMe can do for you?

Your chatbotMe will be able to save you time in numerous configurations in your life.

What your chatbotMe can do for you?

Your chatbotMe will be able to save you time in numerous configurations in your life.

What your chatbotMe can do for you?


less spam


Automatically summarizes important messages, Relevant Information, files, and links


Time saved

Intelligent Search

With its AI powered Intelligent search, you can get in seconds the exact info you need without having to go through the scroll nightmare ever again !

Make better use of your time

Make your digital self handle repeated task foy you. More time for what really matters, your friends, family and passions ! Simply, more time to live !

Hours saved per week


More efficiency


Register here to be the first to know when the tech is out and have the possibilitiy to be the first to try it !

By subscribing, you accept that  we use your data to contact you.

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